Strengthening labour rights across the European Union
This project collects cases of labour law violations in the EU. We focus on the experiences of EU citizens working in other EU countries.
The Project
EU workers are entitled to the same labour rights across the entire EU region. The reality is often different: Equal employment terms and conditions with regards to labour laws are especially unfulfilled in low-qualified and low-paid jobs. Seasonal work, internships, domestic work are popular forms of these precarious employments, which often lack basic standards of employment contracts. Decent wage and working conditions are necessary for enabling EU citizens’ full democratic participation. The project "Testing EU Citizenship as “Labour Citizenship: from cases of labour rights violations to a strengthened labour-rights regime" was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens".
Duration of the project: January 2015 – June 2016.
Aim: The aim of the project is to study EU citizens' mobility both from the perspective of the source regions of work migration and from the perspective of the places of destination where migration influences labour dynamics and the broader social milieu. We seek to translate the concrete experience of migrant workers into broader discussions on the future of labour in Europe.
Partners: Participants from 11 EU countries under the coordination of MKC Prague.
Within the German Country group a Film documenting testimonies of workers in meatprocessing and a Final Report were published.
Also we are very happy to announce that at our July 2016 event on labour rights of migrant workers nine polish migrant organisations agreed to the foundation of a federal umbrella organisation in Germany. Together we aim to combat social dumping of Polish migrants in Germany more effectively. The organisation will be represented by the Polish Social Council on the federal level. A special thank you to everyone taking part in this process. Read a detailed report on our July 2016 event here.
Watch the Documentary "The Meat Nightmare" here.
Final Country Report Germany "Social Dumping by Subcontracting"
Authors: Dr. Kamila Schöll-Mazurek, Attorney of Law Artur Schulz, Hannah Heyenn und Laura Faiss
English Version
Polish Version
German Version
Overview of all events as funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens"
More Material on the Central Project Page and under Publications.