Strengthening labour rights across the European Union

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The Project: Testing EU citizenship as "labour citizenship": from cases of labour rights violations to a strengthened labour-rights regime
EU workers are entitled to the same labour rights across the entire EU region. The reality is often different: Equal employment terms and conditions with regards to labour laws are especially unfulfilled in low-qualified and low-paid jobs. Seasonal work, internships, domestic work are popular forms of this precarious employment, which often lack basic standards of employment contracts. Decent wage and working conditions are necessary for enabling EU citizens’ full democratic participation.
By asking affected EU citizens about their experiences we assess the role of EU and national labour related institutions and laws. The aim of the project is to study EU citizens' mobility both from the perspective of the source regions of work migration and from the perspective of the places of destination where migration influences labour dynamics and the broader social milieu. We seek to translate the concrete experience of migrant workers into broader discussions on the future of labour in Europe. Duration of the project: January 2015 – June 2016
Project coordinator in Berlin: Kamila Schöll-Mazurek, Polnischer Sozialrat
Project coordinator for all participating countries: Petr Kučera, Multicultural Centre Prague
Universita Padova (Italy)
Ado Sah Rom (Romania)
Diversity Development Group (Lithuania)
Veřejný ochránce práv (Ombudsman) (Czechia)
Jyväskylän Yliopisto (Finland)
Solidar (Belgium)
Together-Razem (Ireland)
Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle Arbeitswelt (Austria)
Stichting Onderzoek Multinationale Ondernemingen (Netherlands)
Polnischer Sozialrat (Germany)
Galician Foundation for Regional Development (Poland)